Why Working Women Choose to Postpone Pregnancy After Marriage

Why Working Women Choose to Postpone Pregnancy After Marriage

Are you one of the many incredible working women navigating the exhilarating realms of both career and married life? If so, you’re not alone! 

In fact, you are part of a rising tide of empowered women who are redefining the traditional narrative of marriage and parenthood. You see, the world around you is changing rapidly, and with it, so are your aspirations, desires, and the choices you make. 

In 2022, an astounding 74.09 million women were part of the U.S. workforce, as reported by Statista. And guess what? You are an integral part of this remarkable statistic.

Employment brings its own sets of challenges, and planning a pregnancy during the initial period can make it tough to balance both aspects. That’s why a new trend of postponing pregnancy has emerged, allowing women to call the shots.  

The blog will explore myriad reasons why you, just like countless other awe-inspiring working women, might consider postponing pregnancy.

Health and Well-Being Considerations

You understand that putting your health first is essential before taking the leap into motherhood. Taking the time to focus on your physical well-being allows you to prepare your body for the incredible journey of pregnancy and childbirth. Regular exercise, a balanced diet, and proactive health check-ups are all part of your dedication to ensuring that you are in the best possible shape. 

Your emotional well-being holds equal importance as your physical health. You know that starting a family is not only about logistics but also about being emotionally prepared. Prioritizing your mental health, whether through mindfulness practices, therapy, or spending quality time with loved ones, helps you build the emotional resilience necessary for the beautiful rollercoaster that parenthood entails.

There are also other health reasons that compel many women to delay their pregnancy. To effectively delay pregnancy, many women use contraceptives like intrauterine devices (IUDs). However, you should remember that these devices come with a few health risks.

Paragard IUD devices have been associated with causing significant injuries to women who have used them. According to TorHoerman Law, instances of these devices breaking or fracturing during removal have resulted in severe injuries, often requiring surgical and other medical interventions.

Individuals impacted are pursuing justice by filing a Paragard lawsuit, aiming to recoup financial damages resulting from their injuries. These legal actions provide an avenue for affected individuals to seek compensation for the losses they have endured due to the use of Paragard IUD devices.

Career Advancement and Stability

You’re on an inspiring journey to achieve your career dreams, and postponing pregnancy allows you to focus wholeheartedly on your professional growth. 

Embracing opportunities for advancement, skill development, and networking becomes a priority, as you know that a strong career foundation will benefit both you and your future family. Delaying parenthood provides you with the time and space to excel in your chosen path, empowering you to carve out a fulfilling and successful career. 

In today’s competitive work environment, you might have concerns about facing pregnancy discrimination in the workplace. The fear of potential bias and its impact on career opportunities may lead you to choose to delay pregnancy until you’ve achieved a certain level of stability and recognition in your profession. These concerns have surfaced in a new survey by Morning Consult. 

As per the survey, 12% of all adults have observed instances of pregnancy discrimination in the workplace. Plus, the statistics show that 20% of parents have also witnessed pregnancy discrimination in professional settings. Indicative of concerning trends, the data may motivate a woman’s decision to postpone pregnancy until they feel more secure in their professional advancement and stability.

Financial Preparedness and Independence

You understand the significance of solid financial planning before embracing the path of motherhood. By postponing pregnancy after marriage, you have the opportunity to work towards financial preparedness. This includes creating a budget, saving for potential medical expenses, and securing a stable income, allowing you to welcome your child into a financially secure environment. 

As a working woman, achieving financial independence is a significant goal for you. Postponing pregnancy allows you to focus on advancing your career, seeking opportunities for growth, and increasing your earning potential. This financial empowerment not only benefits your present lifestyle but also sets the stage for a more comfortable and prosperous future for your family.

A growing concern among working women is the rising healthcare costs. A recent survey by Kaiser Family Foundation (KFF) sheds light on how increased costs associated with pregnancy, childbirth, and postpartum care are forcing women to delay pregnancy. 

The survey found women who become mothers face an increase of almost $19,000 in health-related expenses, with an additional out-of-pocket burden of nearly $3,000 compared to women who do not give birth. With growing inflation, not every working woman can afford this cost, enabling them to rethink their decision to start a family. 

Personal Growth and Relationship Development

You appreciate the significance of personal growth and self-exploration before taking on the responsibilities of parenthood. By postponing pregnancy after marriage, you have the opportunity to invest in yourself, pursue hobbies, further your education, and hone your skills.

Relationships are a cornerstone of your life, and you understand the significance of nurturing your marital bond before expanding your family. Postponing pregnancy grants you and your partner precious time to strengthen your relationship, build trust, and create beautiful memories together.

As reported in a New York Times article, there has been a notable decline in the likelihood of women under 30 having children. Since 2007, there has been a considerable 28% drop in the birth rate among women in their 20s, with the most significant decline seen among unmarried women. 

This data might indicate a growing number of young women who are prioritizing their personal growth and life aspirations over early parenthood.

Final Thoughts

The decision of working women to postpone pregnancy after marriage is a multifaceted choice driven by their unique aspirations and priorities.

As the landscape of modern family planning continues to evolve, it’s clear that working women are taking charge of their lives, making informed choices, and embracing their roles as both professionals and potential mothers. By delaying pregnancy, you have the opportunity to explore your ambitions and strengthen your relationships.
