Tiktok Jump allows creators to improve their videos with “Mini-App” integrations

Tiktok Jump allows creators to improve their videos with “Mini-App” integrations

Tiktok creators may no longer need to add a “biography link” at least certain types of content. Today, Tiktok introduced the jump, a new way for creators to add interactivity to their videos through third-party integrations. So, for example, a cooking video can have a list of ingredients via Whisk, a recipe sharing application. You could also be able to add a quiz via a quiz or respiratory exercise via breathing. The company tested the beta this feature before; To date, all users will be able to see and interact with jumps, but only a group of “SELECT” creators will be able to add them to their content.

Some of the platforms that have been approved to work with jump include the aforementioned whip, the breathing and the one, as well as the Wikipedia, Starka and Tabelog. Others like BuzzFeed, Jumprope, Irl and Watcha will be launched in the coming weeks. Examples of added content include film reviews and beauty tutorials.

The nearest competitor would be mini from Snapchat, which are essentially mini-applications that allow you to buy movie tickets via atom or meditation exercises from the Headspace space. WeChat, the popular application of Chinese messaging, also has its own range of mini-applications.

“Tiktok has become a destination both entertained and learn,” wrote Sean Kim, head of the Tiktok product in a press release. “Through Tiktok Jump, we create that” last mile “of the trip to discover our community and help to create a deeper action and interaction on the platform”

Update, 15:30 and: This story stated that jumps were now available for all users. Although all users can see content with jumps, only some creators are currently able to add them to their messages.

The CDC launches Spanish language WhatsApp Chatbot to help people find vaccines

The CDC and WhatsApp teame up a Spanish language vaccine service to help reach people who still need CVIV-19 vaccines. The service, called “Mid Sobar Vacunas Covid”, is a catbot that helps users find locations to get vaccinated and find free walks to get there.

It is important to note that the service will also contrave a common disinformation on fire, with details on side effects and why it is important to be vaccinated. This additional information is important because the Latin-above communities have been targeted by a wave of vaccine misinformation throughout the pandemic – a large part of it has spread via whatsapp – that managers say they fueled The hesitation of the vaccine.

The Chatbot is available by Messaging “Hola” at 1-833-636-1122 or can be consulted directly here.
