How Can a Chiropractor Improve Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

How Can a Chiropractor Improve Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

There are many people who have carpal tunnel syndrome, and the number of those who are seeking Chiropractic care is on the rise. Why does it occur? Chiropractors are said to be very effective in helping to alleviate this condition, especially when it occurs in adults. The nerve damage that occurs in carpal tunnel syndrome is not the only cause, however. The disorder can occur due to injury or a medical condition. Chiropractors help to eliminate the root of the problem in these instances, but they also find ways to alleviate the symptoms of the problem.

First, a Chiropractor will examine you and take an impression of your hand and wrist. In order to properly diagnose carpal tunnel syndrome, a thorough examination of the joints, bones, muscles, tendons, and ligaments must be done. The chiropractor will look for signs of arthritis, numbness, tingling, and weakness in the wrist. The tendons, the ligaments, and the muscles that are involved in the hand and wrist are the parts of the body that will most often need to be manipulated in order to treat carpal tunnel.

The chiropractor will most likely perform a nerve test. This will most likely involve the use of a special device called a nerve chronicle. This device will be placed around the wrist, and its purpose will be to identify any abnormalities with the nerves that are part of carpal tunnel syndrome. If there is an abnormality with one or more of the nerve roots, it will cause the patient to feel tingling or pins and needles sensation.

Once the nerve abnormalities have been detected, the Chiropractor will then begin a therapy designed to treat the problem. Sometimes, a medication will be prescribed that helps with the inflammation and pain. Other times, x-rays may be used. In severe cases, steroid injections may be administered. The Chiropractor will determine which treatment is the best one for the particular patient. The goal of the therapy will be to improve the movement of the median nerve, allowing the patient to regain a normal sense of their hands and arms.

Chiropractors are trained to know how to perform the various tests needed to diagnose and treat carpal tunnel syndrome. They also have the skill and training to do the necessary exercises to improve movement and promote healing. They are well trained to deal with insurance companies. Therefore, it is easy to see why this profession is widely available today.

Now that you know more about carpal tunnel syndrome, you may wonder how you can pay for such treatments. Most insurance policies cover some of the costs of chiropractic care, but they often do not fully cover it. Therefore, before you seek treatment, it is a good idea to speak to your insurance company to determine what they will not cover. If they will cover part of the expense, it is probably because you are at risk for another disorder or illness at the same time as you have carpal tunnel. This condition can be life threatening and should be treated right away.
