iPhone LED Flash Not Working? How to Fix It

iPhone LED Flash Not Working? How to Fix It

It is commonly seen that the iPhone LED Flash for Alerts not working is a common problem and one which almost all users are facing. There are two possible reasons behind this problem. Either the LED flash on the iPhone has stopped working or the LED flash on the iPhone is not turned on. In this article we will look at these issues and the possible ways to fix them. If you have faced such problems in your iPhone and want to know in detail about it then keep reading.

To understand the cause of the problem it is important to know how the LED flash on the iPhone works. When a user holds the iPhone in his or her hand, the light that glows from the device is controlled by the device’s system software. It is this kind of technology which enables the user to use the LED flash on the iPhone to provide visual feedback as soon as there is any motion on the display of the device. If the user wants to turn on the LED flash then all he or she has to do is to touch and hold on to the iPhone’s power button for a few seconds.

The reason why the LED flash on the iPhone does not work while some of the older versions of the device is not clear. However, the latest devices of this kind run on a lot more sophisticated hardware. Hence, the older versions do not have the necessary hardware to make it possible for the LED flash to work. As long as the device is in working condition, the LED flash on the iPhone will work automatically. But if the user is still holding the iPhone then it will not work until after the device is switched off.

Some users may find it difficult to troubleshoot the problem of not working LED flash on the iPhone with technical support. Such users may connect the device to an external power supply and use the same to power up the LED flash. The only disadvantage of such a procedure is that users may need to connect the iPhone to the power source through a USB cable for some time before the LED lights start flashing. In such a case, the users will have to find out how to power the device on its own through its battery or through its AC adapter. The latter method may be used when the iPhone’s battery is fully charged and the external power supply can be trusted. Otherwise, users should wait until the charging of the external power source is complete.

After users have successfully managed to start the LED light on their iPhones, they may try resetting the entire device. However, this process may prove to be extremely difficult as resetting the entire device may lead to its bricking. This is because resetting the Apple device may involve restarting the mobile software in order to access the data on the device. In any case, the resetting process will help the device get ready to accept new data from external devices. It also helps the users to get rid of any error messages that may have popped up on their screen.

The LED Flash for Alerts not working issue can also be fixed by restoring the data on the device. For doing this, users should download a free software that will enable them to do this. This software will help them to reset the pin configuration of their iPhones, restore the files, and select the layout for the Alerts on their devices. Once the process is completed, users should make sure that they do not apply any new tweaks to the alert configurations on their iPhones while the software is running. If any such attempt is made, then it would be evident that the Alerts would not work properly.
