Upcoming Technology in 2021

Upcoming Technology in 2021

What is the next upcoming technology in India? This is a question that I get asked quite often and it is quite difficult to give a straight answer. The reality however is that there are several technology sectors in India in which technology is heading in a rapid growth today and there are also many sectors like wearables and digitalisation that are seeing a slowdown. Let us look at some of the sectors that are seeing technology moving into faster and more profitable directions in India.

One of the sectors that is on the cusp of a ground breaking revolution is the technology of computers. Already we have PC technology, laptop technology, various peripherals that run on a microchip and we have wireless internet. In the future these technologies will not only be embedded in every single gadget but will be absolutely integral to the way humans interact with each other as well as the world around them. It is for this reason that futurists have coined a phrase ‘connected future’ to describe how the world will operate in the future. If you think about what is emerging from this set of technologies, it is safe to say that computing power will become an essential part of our life and in turn our lives will become an essential part of computing power.

Another technology coming up is artificial intelligence. Already we have technologies like smart phones that can process speech, translate text and do image processing. By the end of the next decade this will be a whole new ball game. What is the next upcoming technology in India that will feed all of the data we collect about the world into comprehensive systems and applications? Well, the best answer to that question is definitely not a cloud.

But before we get into the future let us quickly examine the technologies already here and occurring right now. One of the most exciting technologies known to man right now is energy harvesting from the sun. Known at present only as photovoltaic cells, these systems harvest the energy given off by sunlight and turn it into electricity. The catch is that these systems need lots of sun, or a lot of space, or both.

Other technologies already here and occurring are ones that will make our lives easier, safer and more convenient. One such technology is driverless cars. We already know how much safer cars are because of this technology. These cars will also be communicating with one another to prevent accidents which will in turn reduce the number of traffic jams we experience in cities.

There is also a technology coming up that will allow you to communicate with people through their cell phones. How is all of this going to play out in the future? Will the human race be effectively replaced by machines? This is a question that scientists are beginning to address with a lot of excitement what is the next upcoming technology. One thing is for sure, there will be a new dawn in technology that will change the way we live our lives forever.
