what is indoor cctv camera?

what is indoor cctv camera?

What is indoor CCTV and how does it work can be answered with the understanding that CCTV cameras are devices that can detect unwanted or suspicious activity in a given area. It can range from just a simple security camera used to detect potential intruders to a full-fledged surveillance system complete with monitoring software, IP cameras and digital video recorders. In its most basic form, a CCTV camera is a machine that is designed to provide visual evidence of what is happening in a given area. Simple versions of CCTV camera can be seen around the home, business and offices as well as airports and railway stations. With the advent of cheap and readily available PC based equipment, many households now have a CCTV camera for indoor use as well as an external one.

A CCTV camera is usually installed within a perimeter of the property being targeted for observation. The primary usage of such a device is to catch criminals in the act of breaking the law. Installing such a device is easy, all that is required is to focus a light source on the subject of interest and then focus the camera’s lens directly on it. The resulting images are then recorded onto a hard drive or computer. There are many types of CCTV cameras available for use both in and out of the house and it is often possible to monitor them wirelessly from a computer in the same house where the CCTV is installed.

Another major use of what is indoor CCTV camera is to monitor employee work areas. Installing such a device can prevent theft in the workplace and monitor and control access to the property by outsiders. It can also be used to identify and locate employees in case they commit any crimes while on duty. Most of the modern CCTVs today are fully-automated and have advanced features such as motion detectors, digital video recorders and remote viewing capabilities.
