2014 UN271: Objects the size of the star dies to our solar system

2014 UN271: Objects the size of the star dies to our solar system

The unique object goes to our solar system. The object called 2014 UN271 (data recording began in 2014) appeared in the collaboration of dark energy surveys on June 19, 2021 and gained popularity thanks to its extreme streamliness. Information about this object appears in the electronic planet minor area, which generally includes “information about unusual small planets and routine data on comets.”

As noted by Sam Deen in the group. Posting, the object that is visible is “not only unusual, but is radically extraordinary among all the bodies known in the solar system until now.” The orbit of this object changes from “Right outside Saturn’s orbit to double clouds.”

Pedro Bernardineli posted several more details to Twitter about the discovery of this object. This may seem strange that the data shown in the documentation of this object appeared in 2014, but this was only announced here in 2021.

Below you will see a simulation of Tony Dunn showing the body’s body orbit, entering and out of our solar system – pay attention to the date! It will be very strange around 2030 – and very close to us on earth!

As recorded by Meg Schwamb, planetary & astronomical scientists at Queen’s University Belfast, Rubin Observatory will monitor the 2014 UN271 as part of a 10-year survey, monitor the object “along the way to the path to the Periheli” and so on. That is the point of the object to be closest to the Sun, which is physieris and astronomer Radio VLBI T. Marshall Eubanks suggests to be January 28, 2031. The 10-year survey will begin around “the end of 2023.”

Schwamb also noted that this space object was around 6.96% of the size of Pluto. This means it’s hard enough to be a dwarf planet – but it’s still no small stone to mock!

And, fun facts: If we peek the Canonical Star Wars specifications with respect to books such as Star Wars: Cross-seute, we see that the first death star is around 120 km, and the second death star is around 160 km in diameter. As a result, the 2014 UN271 size estimate is the same as the star of death as seen at Star Wars Episode VI: Return to Jedi.

You can see the first movement documented from this object at the International Astronomical Union Minor Planet Center. We will watch this one because it’s getting closer to our planet and deeper into our solar system over the next decade!
