How do ice and water harm your roof?

How do ice and water harm your roof?

The roof of a house is the most vital part of its structure. Roofs protect the rest of the house from the effects of the elements. It is not impervious to these elements as slowly these elements can grind down any type of roof and begin causing trouble for the rest of the house. As the winter season is approaching fast, many house owners are worried about the impending damage due to the heavy snow that is expected during winter. These heavy snows bring a lot of problems. Constant vigilance is required to stay ahead of the damage caused by water and ice.

During the winter season, it becomes harder to coordinate with a contractor so if you believe you need the services of a professional act quickly so even if there are some delays you will not have to suffer for long. Most professionals are well versed in dealing with problems that arise each winter and are specially equipped so that they can deal with the common problems of roofs due to winter. So, keep in contact with a local roofing service so that if you find out signs that may warrant a professional touch you are not stuck in waiting. Look up austin roofing so that you do not have to constantly fear for your roof and enjoy the winters.

Ice and water can be said to be the worst enemy of roofs of any style and materials. One way that they can damage is by simply existing on the roof. During the winter gutters and drainpipes can easily get blocked by a mixture of leaves, ice, snow, and twigs. Due to this blockage, any falling snow and rain are prevented from draining away. The snow and rainwater accumulate on the roof and it starts to weigh down the roof. This might not affect new roofs as much but older roofs that have older supports beneath them can really suffer. These older roofs can deform under the total weight of snow and rain that has gathered on the roof. These deformities can lead to leaks or they can simply be visually displeasing. In extreme cases, the snow and rainwater can cause your roof to fall. This can result in a lot of financial losses as well as chances of physical injury. Moreover, you have to bear the repair work during the winter, a time during which construction work slows down a lot due to logistical delays such as delays in the arrival of materials or workforce.

Another damage is done by the constant thawing and freezing of water. This is possible either during the daytime when the temperature is above the freezing point or due to heat loss from the house. The liquid water flows and finds and cracks and holes in the shingle of the roof. Then as it freezes when the temperature drops likely during the night water takes the form of ice and expands enlarging the crack or hole and as the temperature rises the ice melts and contracts more water rushes in and the cycle continues until the water starts to leak through the roof.

The ice can melt through the heat of the house and flow down the slope. As it continues to come into contact with the rest of the snow it freezes forming an ice dam. This prevents the water from flowing any further and therefore it stays in place eventually seeping in between the shingle to start leaking into the attic and then the rest of the house.

Wintertime can be dangerous to your roof so in order to prevent any extensive damage from happening to your roof get in contact with professionals that can help your roof survive winter.

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