How to Get Back Lost Hair?

How to Get Back Lost Hair?

Hair fall is common in females. You will get new hair equally. However, if your loss is more and growth is not normal, you will experience bald spots on your scalp. Hair loss in English is called alopecia. Hair loss is classified into three types namely Telogen Effluvium, Anagen Effluvium, and female pattern alopecia. 

If you are undergoing chemotherapy, hair will be lost because of poisoning by medicines. It is known as Anagen Effluvium. Hair loss due to the telogen phase is called Telogen Effluvium. If you are experiencing thinning of hair on the sides and top of the head, it is called Androgenetic alopecia. Around 30 million females in the US lose their hair.

Who is more likely to lose their hair?

Women, who just gave birth to a baby, are likely to shed hair. Hair loss is also common in females aged above 40 years. Those using tight braids or tight ponytails are likely to lose their natural hair. Hair loss is also observed in menopausal women and those undergoing chemotherapy.

Other causes of hair loss include:

  • Dieting
  • Vitamin deficiency
  • Hairstyling
  • Excessive processing of scalp hair
  • Restrive diets

What are the ways to regrow hair?

It is suggested to massage your head to increase blood flow and stimulate hair growth naturally. You need to use gentle shampoo on your hair. Micro-needling also helps both men and women to get back lost hair naturally and add volume to look young.

You can use topical products like Minoxidil to revive the hair follicles. It stops hair loss and promotes the growth of your natural hair. Micro-needling using 0.5 mm to 1.0 mm dermaroller is recommended to improve absorption of these products and regrow your natural hair. You can apply Minoxidil before micro-needling or after one day of this process for the best hair growth.

You can choose the best dermaroller for hair growth from a reputed store. It is advised to disinfect the dermaroller either by spraying isopropyl alcohol or by dipping it for 5 to 10 minutes before the micro-needling process. It prevents infections on your scalp.

Micro-needling on dry hair is not recommended. You need to apply numbing cream on your scalp where hair is lost at least 45 minutes before the process. It is advised to apply Gin Amber derma roller in vertical, diagonal, and horizontal directions. You need to lift the dermaroller after each turn to make effective micro holes on your scalp. It is suggested to repeat derma rolling in each direction for 5 to 10 minutes. You may observe little blood during this process. It should be ignored.

You need to repeat dermarolling twice a week for best results. Collagen is produced as the skin tries to heal itself. Also, more blood flow to the hair follicles is ensured and stimulates hair growth naturally. It requires 4 to 6 sessions for effective hair growth naturally. After the micro-needling, you need to apply antibacterial cream on your scalp to prevent infections.

Microneedling can be done at your home. However, you can also seek the help of a dermatologist for your micro-needling in a clinic. You are also advised to change your lifestyle and consume vegetables and fruits to promote good health. 

